Monday 26 July 2010

Thank You

It's now three months since London, so my JustGiving page has expired. Thanks to the generosity of all my donors, I raised £1190.62 which, with Gift Aid, became £1502.46. I, and Marie Curie, would like to thank everyone who donated. It makes a huge difference, and I'm very grateful.

In other news this week, having barely been able to walk on Monday owing to the sore left calf after Sunday's run I did nothing until a gentle jog on Thursday. Unfortunately a mile in the calf did the "two spasm and tighten" routine so I had to mooch home in a state of some annoyance.

By now, completely fed up by the whole thing, I decided to pick up the card for a local sports physio that a GP had give me and give her a call. Toddled off on Friday morning for the first consultation and it was quite a revelation. As the last few problems haven't been tears, she felt that it was almost certainly issues in the whole bio-mechanical system, and the complex interrelationships between the various parts of the body, that were simply manifesting themselves in the calves.

After a brief examination, it was decreed that I had a huge degree of stiffness and inflexibility (stop sniggering at the back...) in my - neck, shoulders, back, hamstrings, calves. Which amounts to pretty well everywhere, actually. Thus, a pleasant hour was spent with various limbs being contorted at angles they were really rather unhappy about and a set of long, slow stretches for me to try at home was handed out.

The theory is that the more flexibility and less tension there is in the body when running, the more the muscles can cope with the strain of having to handle X-times bodyweight being transmitted through them on every stride. So, we'll do the exercises, have a couple more consultations and see what transpires.

No more running this week as I try and allow a bit more recovery time, but it's now 10 weeks to Le Mans. If it starts to get much closer without being able to pick up the mileage, a serious decision about whether I can do it is going to be needed.