Saturday 13 March 2010

6 weeks and counting

Or, goodbyeeeeeee..

Getting the big news out of the way first, I've accepted a severance package to leave the place I've worked since 1994. Not particularly nice, but it will give me the chance to take a few weeks out, recharge, and decide what I want to do with the rest of my working life. Mixed feelings as always: plenty that I won't miss, but plenty of people that I will. Made some really good friends, but I guess those friendships will transcend wherever we all happen to work. 3 weeks to go, then a well deserved break - I suspect "Taper" is going to happen somewhere like Dubai or Sharm...

Got back to the first full week of proper training for what seems like ages - last 3 have been off injured / gentle re-introduction / ill. Still a bit energy-lite on Monday and felt a bit sorry for myself, but I got a bit of a talking to and picked the rest of the week up. Reasonable speedwork on Wednesday and a longer pace run on Thursday.

Had planned to finish my unfinished business with the Arrochar to Home run today, but there's a train strike on and the West Highland line wasn't running. Cue hasty replanning. Much playing with MapMyRun found an alternative. Head the opposite direction on the trains that were working, get off at Dalmuir, run along the canal to Bowling, up to Dumbarton, then following a previous route up the Leven to Loch Lomond and finally over the hills to home.

Ironically the route up from Dumbarton was last used after we lost our main contract, the event that precipitated the need to restructure the company and ultimately cause me to leave. Anyway, it was a nice day, and a pleasant enough run, but bloody hell 20 miles is a long way. After running for seemingly ages, and starting to feel a bit tired, I looked at the Garmin to find I'd done 9.3 miles. Not even half way. Anyway, I plodded round on 8:45 minute mile pace, and just about managed the 3 horrible hills in the last 3 miles. But I was tired. Tired enough for a little post-bath snooze after I got back.

The tiredness wasn't helped by the realisation about 15 miles into the run that the reason I get the train to out then run back, which leaves the hills at the end, was moot today. There's only one train back from Arrochar, so if anything went wrong & I missed it I'd be stuck. There's a train every half hour from Dalmuir. So I could have started with 3 miles downhill, then enjoyed a flat run without the mental torture of "god, the hills" hanging over the whole run. Next time...

Music has been a challenge this week. Much going on in my head, for many reasons, and only a couple of songs jumped off the playlist today. Both by the Manics, but I went with the one that has one of my favourite lines, and one that seems appropriate for someone who's trying to look forward. No Surface All Feeling.

"What's the point in always looking back, when all you see is more and more junk". Genius.

One of those odd home-made YouTube jobs, but in this case it'd got loads of the Manics best video efforts, so I'll let it pass.

Week's summary: 4 runs, 43 miles (record): Long run 19.7 miles (record)
Miles since acceptance: 564