Saturday 6 March 2010

7 weeks and counting

Or, bugger it, more miles lost.

Sitting at home on a beautiful running day, when I was supposed to re-do the full Arrochar to Home run that I had to cut short when my thigh hurt. This time it's illness that's holding me back, rather than injury, but as everything that's entered my system in the last 72 hours has exited it quickly and enthusiastically, trying any form of exercise would be a risk. So here I sit, frustrated. But, as with the injury, there's no point pushing it. There's still time to get the miles in, but I'm starting to worry a bit about the lack of really long runs - 18.5 miles is still the longest, and I need 3 more in the next 4 weeks before taper starts.

The week started so well too. Did a longer recovery on Monday because it was so nice in the snowy, frosty sunshine. Then a very hard Tempo on Wednesday with 8 miles at 6:57 pace, Really tough, but very satisfying. In hindsight, I'd been feeling a little off during the day, so perhaps the extra effort tipped the system over the edge. And that was it. Week over.

This week's music is dedicated in equal measures to my training and my bowels. Born To Run. (Sorry, couldn't resist it...)

A really good video shot from just behind where I was standing at Hampden in July. There is no better live experience than The Boss, and the BTR sensation, especially from the pit, is something else. Simple musical perfection.

Week's summary: 2 runs, 17 miles: Long run n/a
Miles since acceptance: 521