Sunday 3 January 2010

16 weeks and counting

Or, running in a winter wonderland

Brief weekly update to augment the end-of-year review below. Yes it's still cold - the snow that fell 2 weeks ago is still hanging round, with no sign of a thaw in temperatures struggling to get above freezing. It's making conditions on regular paths "challenging" - or "life threatening" on the one up through the woods to the skating pond that starts a few of my runs.

This meant another 2 laps round the golf course for the Saturday run; still between 4-6" of snow everywhere but slightly slushier under a crisp and icy top layer. Decided to risk further afield today, with the 8-miler that loops out of town and through the top of Glen Fruin. First 3 miles on paths varying between suicidal (see above) and crunchy, then 4 miles on clear roads before the last mile returned to the paths and featured yet another scary slither back through the woods. Weather was clear, sunny, and -3C at the start.

Out in the country the views were spectacular, with something to enjoy in every direction - Arran particularly stunning down the Clyde. Not worrying about pace, just really enjoying the run and conditions - although I suspect air-drumming isn't an accepted running technique. It was that sort of glad-to-be-out day. And the song that provoked the reaction:

Laboured somewhat over the video to choose. Official? From Teignmouth? The one from Italian TV where they objected to being asked to mime, so they all swapped instruments? Amazingly, and something I don't think I've said since 1986, this version from the Christmas TOTP works best for me.

Week's summary: 4 runs, 26 miles: Long run "fore"
Miles since acceptance 262