Thursday 31 December 2009

End of year review

Or, boring statto stuff

2009: it's a wrap. Did the last short run this afternoon - a somewhat convoluted route to record spot on 1000km for the year (621.51 miles). Knew I was going to cover about 1000, but after I ran on Wednesday I thought "ah, why not have a bit of fun and do it spot on". Of course I've run nowhere near "exactly" the 1000.00 my records say, because the tools only measure the road (or track) distance of a route, not what I actually covered. But as a bit of fun, it worked for me, so there. To round off the dull stuff, the 1000 came from 98 recorded runs, the longest of which was 14.5 miles (23.3k for those watching in metric).

There were 3 "official" races - a 10k (44:12) and two half marathons (1:38 and 1:34) plus the fun and lunacy that was The Mighty Deerstalker at Innerleithen in the Scottish Borders. Supposedly 10k (yeah, right, try 10 miles!) of offroad fun that benefited from mud, rivers, screes, forests, raves, sumps and head torches. Will have to miss it this year because it's only a month before the VLM, but 2011 awaits...

It's probably time to reflect on what caused this year to have such a huge take-off. I only really started regular running in the last quarter of 2008, having spent more time using the gym to get to a reasonable level of fitness. Although 2008 only amounted to a 100 or so miles of shortish runs, the habit was formed. I read somewhere that if you can persevere and do something 20 times, it will become a habit, and I think this was true for me. As 2009 started, the 4 milers became predominantly 5 or 6, with longer runs thrown in. I was now running because I loved it and wanted to.

After watching the London Marathon in April, I decided that I "needed" to do one (I'm that sort of age...). So I lobbed in a ballot entry (despite everyone telling me a first-time applicant wouldn't get in) and started to do more runs and more miles. I still had my half-marathons to train for and got through those with a couple of PBs. Then, at the end of September, the envelope arrived with "you're in". After a couple of Ravanelli-like celebratory laps of the house, shirt over head, the realisation of 6 months hard work to come sank in, and I upped my miles again. 40% of the year's miles have come in the last 3 months.

I have come to love running. I live in one of the most beautiful parts of the country and even though work is on the edge of a spectacularly grey new-town, it has easy access to countryside and views. If I can remember to look up, I get a heck of a reward. I don't think too much about the mechanics - although I'm sure I probably should. All I really think about is keeping everything that's not a leg as still as possible so I don't waste energy. I run with music and try not to think too much - there's a lot of time to dwell when you're on a long run, and that's not always healthy. Especially this year.

Some thank you's. The family for putting up with me being out and about at odd times; my wife for never forgetting to pick me up from odd finish-points for longer runs and my son for his welcome derision. My work (and banger running) colleagues for their support and mockery in appropriately balanced measures. My social networking circle on Facebook and especially Twitter, where there is a good and lively group of runners - I always enjoy the support and banter of @philrunslondon @nuddypants @kusasi and @IanM1963. Special thanks, of course, to the Grande Dame of Twitter fitness, the indomitable @Sall_y; dispenser of advice, support, admonishment and Yorkshire Tea in equal measures. Well, perhaps slightly biased in favour of admonishment. Her advice moved me on from just running to training.

The formal 16-week marathon training programme starts on January 4th. That's Monday. Happy New Year...