Saturday 20 February 2010

9 weeks and counting

Or, week T-9 has been cancelled, normal service will be resume as soon as possible

Unsurprisingly, a week off for recovery after last Saturday's thigh problems. Which were accompanied by unpleasant bruising which started on Monday. Quick trip to the doc revealed nothing to worry about, but the advice for complete rest this week. Which is nice.

The fact I've stuck so well to The Programme so far means I'm still in good shape in terms of preparation, so definitely not a disaster. In fact, the sticking to The Programme is something that popped into my head as a surprise a couple of weeks ago, when I did the long run early so I could do the Subcrawl. Would have been easy to just miss the run and have the fun (hey, I'm a poet!). My big worry has always been whether I'd have the discipline to stick to The Programme once the initial enthusiasm wore off.

When we do psychometric stuff with team profiles at work, I score highly on the ideas / people / innovation / unorthodox / problem-solving measures, but spectacularly badly on the implement / disciplined / reliable / see things through ones. If you know Belbin Team Role theory I’m a Plant and Resource Investigator, and off the bottom of the scale for Implementor and Completer / Finisher. Phrases like “dependent on constant stimulation and likely to lose interest quickly” pepper my analyses and for good reason. I really do struggle to finish what I start - but mainly because I am partial to a spot of constant stimulation, if truth be known…

I've done well with The Programme so far - doing all the relevant miles & styles (hey, two rhymes in one post, I'm wasted on this) Recovery / Tempo / Speedwork / Pace / Long Slow (even if it is still, apparently, too fast), and perhaps what I'm actually doing is proving to myself that I am capable of seeing something through for once.

I had absolutely no idea where to go with the music this week. As I haven’t had an iPod on my head all week, the highlight from the playlist isn't going to happen. Could have gone for a guilty secret, but I've already outed myself as a fan of Emergency Andy Williams. But then, a moment of inspiration.

Just been listening to a stunningly beautiful piece of music, which I first heard as a background to a superb piece on the best TV show in the whole world. Thought "ah-hah, that's the one" and went off to YouTube in search of a video. Well, let me tell you, just about everyone who thinks they have video-editing skills has tried to make a "significant" video over this piece. And, usually, they're dire.

So I went back to the first place I heard it. Of all the wonderful pieces this programme has done, this is still one of the absolute best.

If you don't know it, the music is "An Ending (Ascent)" by Brian Eno.

And, on that bombshell, it's goodbye.