Saturday 26 December 2009

17 weeks and counting

Or, let it snow

My, it's been chilly. After some light winter-conditioning with rain & gales a few weeks ago, this week I had my first experience of running in (or should that be on) the snow. And you know what, I bloody loved it!

I also planned to do 3 days back-to-back for the first time, as I build towards the real training programme in the new year. Monday was a 4 mile loosener in fresh snow falling on what we'd had over the weekend. Much gnashing and wailing from colleagues about dangerous underfoot conditions and incipient lunacy was ignored, and the run was fine.

Snow on Monday afternoon and a serious frost overnight meant Tuesday dawned sunny and freezing. Unfortunately it had clouded over by the time I hit the 7 miler above East Kilbride, but the cloud colouring was sublime, running through black, purple, 3 shades of grey and pink. One patch of sunlight played over the landscape towards Eaglesham, forcing me to stop and take the view in - it's too easy to forget about the beauty you're running through.

More heavy snow on Tuesday afternoon left the underfoot conditions very different on Wednesday. Took the same route, but more coverage on the roads added several minutes to the time and several levels of effort to the legs. But this time the conditions were clear and sunny and it was just stunning. Again, I took a few minutes to stop, enjoy the view and have a wee think. Stuff...

The "long run" was a different matter. Wasn't sure what would work in these conditions, or how the extra effort on the legs would play. When I got home early on Christmas Eve and saw the stunning temperature inversion over the Clyde, I got my camera out and went for a walk across the golf course, where we get the clearest views. Snow conditions were perfect - almost continental as I crunched and squeaked through crisp, frozen powder.

As I mooched, a plan formed. I'd enjoyed the on-road snowy runs, so what about a cross-country. Around the golf course, in strict playing order, from medal tee to green. Plotted it on MapMyRun at just under 4 miles, so 2 laps would be a good compromise - and probably as hard as 10-11 road miles. So that's what I did.

What an experience! When you walk up the hills at Helensburgh, you think they're steep. When you run up them in snow, you know it! I found it hard to spot subtle gradient changes under the uniform white, so I spent rather too much time worrying about where I was putting my feet and not enough looking around. Even though I was taking it relatively easy, by the time I got to the high point on the second lap I was pretty knackered - but enjoying it so much. Got a few odd looks from the sledgers and dog-walkers, and the final sprint up the hill to the 18th green was ignored by a disinterested clubhouse. Probably some breach of etiquette.

This week's musical offering is a special playlist addition to honour the conditions. Snow by JJ72.

Hope it'll be hanging around for a while. Running in snow - the best...

Week's summary: 4 runs, 26 miles: "Long run" 8 miles
Miles since acceptance 236