Wednesday 9 December 2009

19 weeks and counting

Or, you lazy bastard...

Almost nothing to report this week. After last week's efforts - especially Saturday - everything was a bit creaky, so a very gentle 5.5 on Monday to loosen off was followed by a steady push round my longest lunchtime route (7.25) today. Both runs started in rain and ended just as the sun was coming out. Pah.

The early finish to the week is the result of a lunchtime meeting tomorrow, before Friday benefits from the now traditional Alternative Murray Curry (plus an early start for drinkies) in East Kilbride; a good chance to catch up with former colleagues now departed. By which I mean moved on to other employers, not that the evening is some form of low-budget Most Haunted. Nae chance of a run on Saturday; shuffle might just about be possible.

Saturday brings the annual works shindig. Time to dust off the dress suit, fart about trying to tie a bow-tie (none of that clip-on / elasticated shite for me), remember I'm the wrong nationality for Ceilidh-dancing (natural aversion to dances with namesand instructions) and desperately try to retain some form of dignity as the night wears on. Unsuccessfully, usually.

Need some appropriate music, so let's pick something that usually supports the end-of-night mayhem at any Christmas do in these parts.

Week's summary: 2 runs, 13 miles, Long run ho-ho-ho
Miles since acceptance: 177