Friday 23 April 2010

2 days and counting

Or, here we go...

I'm home. Got back around 0100 this morning after a 22 hour day and, after 5 hours sleep, I'm up and about making preparations to head south for the big event. Got the boarding pass, got the shoes, the kit, the nerves, the vest, the giant Marie Curie daffodil costume (OK, that's  not true). Game On.

Still struggling to believe it's going to happen, but I suppose I have to and start getting my mental preparation sorted out. For some last amusement, I see they're shutting some of the far northern airports again because of ash, but I guess I could probably drive there now!

Starting to feel some nerves, or is it excitement, or perhaps both. The plan is to try and register at ExCel tonight to avoid the rush tomorrow, which will hopefully give me a day to recharge and recover some of the sleep I've lost in the last week. Not much physically to do now, other than a brief loosener tomorrow to check the legs still work.

So, as I head off I will leave you with one last piece of music. Some of you will know I'm a longstanding fan of Canadian band Rush, and there's really only one piece of music I can finish up with. Marathon.

Come on, you knew I would

To finish off the stats, last week's runs bring me up to 699 in training, and the 2 miler to loosen off tomorrow will get me over 700. Quite proud of that.

Watch this space...