Thursday 22 April 2010

3 days and counting

Or, maybe, just maybe...Been quiet here on account of my holiday in Egypt being somewhat extended on account of that Icelandic volcano thing you may have heard about on the news.Was supposed to be home on Sunday, and with every passing day I've been more and more pessimistic about actually getting home for the race.

But yesterday, some hope, with the rumour that all the cancelled Sunday flights would go today. And an 0530 call to the local office thus morning resulted in a "Yes, you fly at 1715". Now, this is all still to happen, but for the first time in a week I'm starting to allow myself the thought that I'll actually make it.

I will now put the blog on (at least) daily updates as my travel unfolds and, hopefully, I meander my way towards the start line.

Oh, and by the way, just in case toy think all I've been doing is lying in the sun and drinking beer, this is not so. I've also drunk a few Gin & Tonics. And done three six mile runs up and down the path that runs between the resorts and the baech in this part of Sharm el-Sheikh. Believe me, London's going to have to be pretty warm to match the temperatures here, even a 0730. Have also managed to carb load quite effectively too - potatoes for breakfast, rice and pasta for dinner, and loads of salted peanuts to replenish the salt lost through sweat.

Hopefully I'm back on track. Keep your eyes on here for more updates...