Saturday 10 April 2010

2 weeks and counting

Or, getting into the Taper spirit...

I don't think the drop off in miles in the Taper is supposed to be QUITE this dramatic. Because of various scheduling problems this week, I haven't been able to get the time to do as many runs as I'd like (and yes, I know I'm now a man of leisure and should have no such excuse).

Tuesday's recovery after Sunday's last long run was a part cross-country affair through the woods above town, down to the marina and back up the hill. As it followed 2 days of heavy rain, the tracks were sodden, and much care was needed. Slipping and tweaking something on a gentle recovery would be VERY silly.

Wednesday brought the last full track session at Scotstoun, with some good speedwork, albeit slightly hindered by another unhelpful headwind. Got 3 good miles in at 6:07, 6:14 and 6:21, following the "quality, not quantity" ethos of the Taper.

That, however, was that. Had various things happen on Thursday and Friday that meant a longer run wasn't possible, one of which was my leaving do on Friday night, which had the knock-on effect of a run today also being, erm, unwise (the dehydration...). And tomorrow, I head to Egypt for a week's holiday, to which I will be taking my trainers and planning to fit in 2 or 3 reasonable runs. Reckon the early morning temperatures will be cool enough to allow a 5-6 miler at reasonable pace, just to keep the legs turning.

So that's it. A very abbreviated week and blog. Musically, though, we'll go off-playlist to celebrate the week's biggest event. As a long-suffering fan of Newcastle United, I was naturally delighted to see them return to the Premier League at the first attempt on Monday. As I'd feared the club would implode and hurtle down to League One (or whatever it's called these days), it was a pleasant surprise, and hats off the Chris Hughton and a team who failed to show any big-time-Charlie attitude and really applied themselves.

The music is the tune the Toon take the pitch to, which by a happy co-incidence also happens to be the theme music to my all time favourite film, Local Hero. By Mark Knopfler. Not Dire Straits.....

Week's summary: 2 runs, 12 miles: Long run n/a
Miles since acceptance: 681