Saturday 7 November 2009

Let's Get This Party Started

Ever since the envelope dropped through the door with "Congratulations, You Are Running the 2010 Virgin London Marathon" enclosed, the blog has been inevitable. I decided to wait until I'd got my charity sorted out and a JustGiving page set up, ahead of the full media (or at least social media) launch.

Still not sure exactly how to handle this blog, though. The Sucata ones (see links to General Ignorance over left) were such fun, and spontaneous, but this will have to be a bit more measured. Certainly not going to just log training runs, although no doubt a weekly summary will appear, but what else can you write about when training for a marathon? Runner's nipple notwithstanding.

To set the scene, I realise how lucky I am to get in on my first application, so I will be giving it a real go, as I also know it could be the only chance I get. My target is a 3:30, which I believe is attainable so long as I keep more disciplined on the training front than I do on the #sauvignon front.

I AM blessed with some of the most beautiful scenery around to run through, so I'll try and lift my eyes from the road and enjoy it as I rack the miles up. The MapMyRun widget here gives you links, should you be interested.

The training schedule at the moment is based around 2 or 3 lunchtime runs during the week with a longer run at the weekend. Just building up gradually until I hit the main 16-week programme in the New Year.

On the subject of which, the train to Arrochar leaves in 45 minutes and I need to be on it...