Saturday 14 November 2009

Music helps the legs go round

iPod or not is a surprisingly common debate amongst runners. The benefits of a good tempo playlist to keep you focussed are fairly clear, but against that is a safety issue. There's no doubt you're less aware of what's going on around you, and when you run on country roads like I do, that's an issue. I like my music, though, so I balance it by trying to look around and behind me more and at the road ahead less.

My main playlist for long runs is a simple matter. Limited to a few right-tempo songs from each of my 3 favourite acts (Springsteen, Killers, Music) and jumbled into no particular order. The link's over there on the left in the Spotify section.

I am developing another list for my longer runs. A mixture of songs from numerous artists (one per artist rule) that either make me smile, have the right tempo or otherwise seem "right" for a long, steady run. It's a collaborative playlist which means that you, dear reader can contribute. Just add it to your own playlists then save songs to it. Couldn't be simpler. No taking the piss, mind.

Not got Spotify - send me a message with an e-mail address, and if I have any of my free invites left, you can have one.